

WB Firepacks takes care to ensure that the information displayed on the website is carefully compiled, but cannot guarantee the accuracy and completeness of the information. WB Firepacks only uses this website to provide information about its products and services. Any changes do not require prior notice.


WB Firepacks accepts no liability for any improper functioning of this website. WB Firepacks accepts no liability for any inaccuracy or incompleteness of the information included on the WB Firepacks website. WB Firepacks is not responsible for any viruses or other malicious software which, despite control measures, may be present on this website, nor is WB Firepacks responsible for the contents or usage of other websites linked to this website.

Data Protection

WB Firepacks respects the privacy of all visitors of this website. The following section describes how WB Firepacks collects and uses data.

Personal data

WB Firepacks does not gather personal data that is not provided on a voluntary basis. By sending an email, visitors automatically authorise WB Firepacks to store their personal data, and to use this data for market studies and statistical purposes. In addition, WB Firepacks assumes that visitors do not object to receiving information about current WB Firepacks offers. WB Firepacks guarantees its visitors that their personal data will be treated in the strictest of care and in compliance with legal provisions, and will not provide this data to third parties.

Automatically collected non-personal identity information

In certain cases, WB Firepacks gathers data of a non-personal nature, such as the type of browser or computer operating system used by visitors, IP addresses assigned by providers, etc. This data helps us to better calibrate the website to fulfil visitor desires and preferences.